> first upgrade your imap mess -- try something different to uw-imap, it
> is badly broken by design, AFAIK.
> then upgrade your users ;-)

Well, I would absolutely love to get rid of UW IMAP. I'm no big fan of it
myself, I'd rather use Courier. However, The problem is that I can't, at
least not yet. This server was installed *years* before I got here and it
uses the godawful spool/mail format and UW is the only IMAP I know of that
supports this. Until we get the new server, and only God knows when that
will be, I'm forced to use what is there. I don't want to annoy every single
pop3 user by forcing them to downlaod all their mail again  when the UIDL
scheme changes, wich would happen if i switched to, say, Maildir. 


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