On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 09:29:56AM -0500, Norvell Spearman wrote:
> It seems when a user sends mail with an attachment and it bounces back, the
> bounce-back has the attachment in-line with the mail text (as opposed to
> something you can click on then save or open).  This isn't a major problem
> (my users aren't getting bounce-backs with 20MB attachments every five
> minutes) but when it does occur users complain about their mail reading
> program taking much longer to open---or even locking up---because of the
> in-line attachment.  Is there any way to change this behavior or is this how
> all e-mail servers are supposed to work (this is the first full-blown mail
> server I've set up)?

I think there is a patch.

> All apologies if the answer to this next question is blatantly obvious; I
> thought I looked everywhere I was supposed to.  I'm assuming the long number
> at the beginning of each line in /var/log/qmail/current (I'm using multilog
> instead of splogger) is some form of timestamp.  How do you convert that to
> an easily-recognizable format?


Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!   http://www.dataloss.nl/Megahard_en.html

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