To clarify:

I have tried to send an email via  elq  (ie elm) and the error I get is:

    mailer returned error status 1

When I run fetchmail, I get the following errors:

    SMTP connect to localhost failed
    SMTP transaction error while fetching from

fetchmail can see the pop server and the server recognises my username
and password.  I used fetchmailconf to setup my .fetchmailrc file and
ran the test, getting the above errors.

I am running qmail with localhost as the server.  DNS is setup as I can
run dig on any machine and can run Netscape.
Am running Debian 2.2r3 and can't find the getmail package for it in
order to run getmail instead of fetchmail.

Incidentally, when I run netscape mail, I get no problems.  (obviously
it works fine as a mail client)



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