It's me again,

who has another newbie question. Like some of you suggested I'm now reading
"Life with qmail" instead "Running qmail". I got to the point in the
document where the author describes the qmailctl script. But I don't really
understand what to do with it... I understand the script and I figured out
that it needs an argument. But the author wants me to put it into
/var/qmail/bin and to create a link to my init.d directory as far as I
understood him. At first I'm not sure what my init.d dir on my FreeBSX box
is. Isn't it /usr/local/etc/rc.d? If I'm right then I don't understand why
to create a link because the script expects an argument and FreeBSD is just
executing the link at startup _without_ any arguments AFAIK. What do I

Please more enlightenment,

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