
A new and much better version of oSpam is available : oSpam 0.2.
The news are:

        * automatic creation of ospam directory and files
          on first call
        * confirmation mail to sender on success
        * fixed sender email addresses for confirmation mails
        * updated the docs 

* Project homepage:

* Demo: send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  (test account, emails
  and registred addresses will be trashed every week)

* Description:

 oSpam  -  An ultimative Perl & qmail based anti-Spam System

 It's a package inspired from the mapSoN tool, and other
 tools used for example by the php-project mail server. 
 2 main features:

 1) use it for your usenet postings: as From: address, you get
    an "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address, which will be
    valid one week. After this delay, the mails sent to this
    address will be put in "quarantaine", waiting for a confirmation
    from the author, which will never happen if it is a spam.

 2) use it as your main email address: put all your friends
    addresses in your accepted.txt file. If somebody which isn't
    in the list send you a mail, he will get a small and unique 
    confirmation request, and then the mail(s) will be delivered

 Every operation is logged: look at the ~/maildir/ospam/ospam.log file
 and at the source code to understand how the whole is working.

* Download:  (6.3 KByte big :-)

* Mailing List:

* Other URL's: (cvs, releases, etc)

This is "just" version 0.2, so even if it is already working fine,
there is still much to be done (check the todo list). 
Comments are welcome!


 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects:  -

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