Looks quite nice.

A question: How do you deal with mailing lists?


1: You might want to have wildcard entries used with the isinfile(),
that way you can add a whole domain, eg, *@list.cr.yp.to

2: You might want to introduce a command such that a mail can be piped
into it and have that sender address included in the accept list. In
mutt it would then be as easy as cruising thru your existing mailboxes
and running "| ospam_accept" to preload your accept list. A bit of
shell twiddle would get your aliases in their too!

Sure the file format is trivial and a program may seem superfluous,
but what if you change to a DB file later on? You don't want to be
tied down by exposing the file format now.

3: There are a number of hard-coded @8403.ch address in the code, you
might want to either externalize these addresses or indeed externalize
the complete messages to be in separate text files.

4: A minor note. The perl code uses a lot of system() calls when
unlink() and rename() would be safer.

On a more general note, I wonder whether embedding locking within each
and every program that is run via .qmail makes sense? Perhaps better
would be a simple program that single-threads the executation of a
.qmail entry. Eg:

| singlethread ospam whatever

Oh look, BSD has the lockf command. If this is widespread (or if a
triv perl implementation were available) you could remove all that
locking code and simple have:

| lockf -t 20 ospam/ospam.log ospam ospam my@address

Please don't take these as a criticism, I'm glad people are making
tools like this available.


On Sat, Jul 07, 2001 at 10:13:19AM +0200, Olivier M. allegedly wrote:
> Bonjour!
> A new and much better version of oSpam is available : oSpam 0.2.
> The news are:
>         * automatic creation of ospam directory and files
>           on first call
>         * confirmation mail to sender on success
>         * fixed sender email addresses for confirmation mails
>         * updated the docs 
> * Project homepage:  http://omail.omnis.ch/ospam/
> * Demo: send a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  (test account, emails
>   and registred addresses will be trashed every week)
> * Description:
>  oSpam  -  An ultimative Perl & qmail based anti-Spam System
>  =====
>  It's a package inspired from the mapSoN tool, and other
>  tools used for example by the php-project mail server. 
>  2 main features:
>  1) use it for your usenet postings: as From: address, you get
>     an "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" address, which will be
>     valid one week. After this delay, the mails sent to this
>     address will be put in "quarantaine", waiting for a confirmation
>     from the author, which will never happen if it is a spam.
>  2) use it as your main email address: put all your friends
>     addresses in your accepted.txt file. If somebody which isn't
>     in the list send you a mail, he will get a small and unique 
>     confirmation request, and then the mail(s) will be delivered
>     transparentely.
>  Every operation is logged: look at the ~/maildir/ospam/ospam.log file
>  and at the source code to understand how the whole is working.
> * Download:  (6.3 KByte big :-)
>       http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/omail/ospam-0.2.tar.gz
> * Mailing List:
>       http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/omail-ospam
> * Other URL's: (cvs, releases, etc)
>       http://freshmeat.net/projects/ospam/
> This is "just" version 0.2, so even if it is already working fine,
> there is still much to be done (check the todo list). 
> Comments are welcome!
> Regards,
> Olivier
> -- 
> _________________________________________________________________
>  Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
> qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch  -  http://webmail.omnis.ch

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