David Talkington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> # ./queue_repair.py
> On a working queue checks out fine.


> For testing purposes, I deleted /var/qmail/queue, and ran:
> # ./queue_repair --create
> queue_repair.py v. 0.8.3
> Copyright (C) 2001 Charles Cazabon <pqt @ discworld.dyndns.org>
> Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
> running in repair mode
> finding qmail UIDs/GIDs...
> determining conf-split...
> basic queue directories not found at /var/qmail
> creating new queue at /var/qmail
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "./queue_repair.py", line 801, in ?
>   File "./queue_repair.py", line 797, in main
>   File "./queue_repair.py", line 690, in check_queue
> NameError: split
> Tried again, adding --repair to the command, with the same results.

Try adding an explicit "--split 23" (or appropriate split).

> I was hoping to use this tool as a supplement to a localized tarball
> install of qmail, to enable me to store a binary package to add to a
> Solaris jumpstart.  Am I misunderstanding its purpose and/or usage?

Nope.  You found a bug.  If you don't supply a split argument, and
queue-repair can't find a basic queue structure, it has no way of knowing what
conf-split should be.  I'll have to think about the right way to fix this.  It
would be easy to just default to 23, but that's not "correct".

Thanks for the report.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/

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