I initially thought about it.  But upon reviewing the user's report
(see the underlined part) I ruled that out.  He clearly said that he
had his cable modem for a while, and before he got his Netgear RP114,
he didn't experience any symptom.  That means the reverse lookup was
fine with his connection....

Thanks for the suggestion however..

Chin Fang

> could be reverse DNS checking...
> -davidu

>   I recently installed a Netgear RP114 Router, to provide multiple computers
>   access to the internet via a single cable modem from ATT.  Since then, my
>   Eudora email program encounters some sort of 30 second delay when
>   attempting to retrieve email from any of my awit.com accounts.  The
>   "status" display of the process shows "Logging into POP server" for upwards
>   of 30 seconds, before continuing.  Once it actually starts downloading
>   email, it proceeds as quickly as it always has.

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