I broke my qmail server.  I tried to erase the mail queue.  It was crapped
up with a bunch of messages that couldn't be sent, and they had been there
for several weeks.  So I went in to the /var/qmail/queue/mess and  the other
directories that had the files in them and did an `rm -rf *`.  Anyway, now I
get a:

 qmail-inject: fatal: qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)

message when I try to send mail.  What did I erase, and how can I fix it.
I'm sure its related to erasing the queue because it just started after I
did that.
Heres what an `ls -al` on that dir looks like, I already tried chmod 777 to
see if may I screwed permissions up:

drwxr-x---  11 qmailq  qmail   512 Jun 30 20:03 .
drwxr-xr-x  12 root    qmail   512 Jul  3 02:54 ..
drwx------   2 qmails  qmail   512 Jul  9 20:32 bounce
drwx------   2 qmails  qmail  3072 Jul  9 20:32 info
drwx------   2 qmailq  qmail   512 Jul  9 20:32 intd
drwx------   2 qmails  qmail  3072 Jul  9 20:33 local
drwx------   2 qmailq  qmail   512 Jun 30 20:03 lock
drwx------   2 qmailq  qmail  3072 Jul  9 20:35 mess
drwx------   2 qmailq  qmail   512 Jul  9 20:42 pid
drwx------   2 qmails  qmail  3072 Jul  9 20:35 remote
drwx------   2 qmailq  qmail   512 Jul  9 20:32 todo

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