On 20 Jul 2001, Tony Gale wrote:

> You can store your 8000 mail accounts under one user account. Each one
> having it's own Maildir. It will interface to courier-imap so you can
> use imap and/or pop3 to access each mailbox.

Huh, you're genius ;)  What you described is not a problem at all ;)))

My problem addresses performance.

Imagine that you have:


With large amount of domains, delivery can be slower because of a time
needed to find particular domain directory. It can be easy worked-around
by splitting the directory, say, by some hash or just domain name first


It's similar to the way qmail's queue itself is organized.  

The problem starts if you have many counts in one domain, and use standard
virtualdomains method. Each domain directory needs .qmail-account_name
files in it. With many acounts per domain you will have large dirs to scan
on every delivery. 
Actually I didn't check it myself, but I've heard (not once) about it's
performance degradation...


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