On Thu, Jul 26, 2001 at 09:54:53PM -0400, Steve Reed wrote:
> I think it would be very considerate of the list members if 
> whoever runs this mailing list would PLEASE wake up and ban the 
> living daylights out of Wilson and his barrage of viruses.  

What for? Wilson isn't the problem. The problem is that we're not in
92 anymore. What I'd like to see is a sublist that drops anything that
isn't ASCII only and also everything that is sent with Windos MUAs.
For the fun of it, I just killed everything that said Outlook
(Express), Eudora, Pegasus and Webmail for the last month. Trust me,
the list suddenly became good.

Dear [EMAIL PROTECTED], could we have a sublist? I'm sure a lot of
people would host it. I would. Prettyplease?

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