>despite the fact that I just finished building a qmail cluster using 3 Sun 
>220R's load balanced behind a pair of F5 Networks Big/IP's, qmail 1.03, 
>vpopmail, courier-imap, sqwebmail, mysql and apache handling 1,000,000 
>users across 5,400 domains, I should be banned from your sublist because I 
>choose to use Outlook Express???

testify, brother... at over 1000 messages/day, my eudora treats me very 
well, indeed

i couldn't agree more... i got over 300 copies of that damned virus, yet 
remain unaffected... why? because 'i'm smarter than the average bear, boo boo!'

>Trust me - the day I can get all the features I feel I need without using 
>any MS apps, I'm there.  But I'm not going to dump MS just to spite MS 
>without having what *I* consider suitable replacements - not you, or the 
>rest of the rabid Anti-MS bridgade.

i use windows because (and only because) i cannot do the interface design 
for end-users of windows without walking in their shoes (and i love photoshop!)

robin: don't you get nosebleeds being so high up on that soapbox of yours?

- hogan

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