On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 04:21:29PM +0200, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 09:35:32PM +0800, Adrian Ho wrote:
> >   |forward `my-redirector $RECIPIENT`
> That's not what he means. This still reads the message and reinjects
> it.

Oops!  That means it's time to hit the sack.  8-)

But since I'm still (barely) conscious...

> His proposal (which I have been pondering about for months already
> :) means that a program can tell qmail 'send this mail you are trying
> to give to me, to this address' without reinjection. This could save a
> lot of disk bandwidth, IMHO.

Unless the destination address happens to be in a virtual domain on the
same machine, in which case the standard reinjection actually trumps the
above by one unneeded SMTP transaction from the machine to itself.

In any case, it sounds to me like we're entering the realm of pinhole
optimization (or some equivalent concept).  Is the performance boost
worth the kinks it'll likely introduce in the existing qmail architecture?
I'm not sure...

Adrian Ho    Tinker, Drifter, Fixer, Bum   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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