On Sat, Jul 28, 2001 at 02:44:08PM +0000, MarkD wrote:
> > That's not what he means. This still reads the message and reinjects
> > it. His proposal (which I have been pondering about for months already
> > :) means that a program can tell qmail 'send this mail you are trying
> > to give to me, to this address' without reinjection. This could save a
> > lot of disk bandwidth, IMHO.
> The qmail architecture does not lend itself well to this though does
> it? qmail-remote is the only code that knows how to remotely deliver a
> message and qmail-smtpd would have to be (extensively) modified to
> call that instead of qmail-queue.

You are missing the point. We are just saying that a program invoked
by qmail-local should have a way to communicate back to qmail 'change
the address to blah', instead of having to reinject it. This would
then still happen for every recipient like it does now.

Greetz, Peter
Against Free Sex!   http://www.dataloss.nl/Megahard_en.html

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