On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 06:15:07PM -0600, Cordell Bourne wrote:
> Here is my situation.  I have a test lab with many mail servers from various
> venders.  Each of the mail servers has the same set of test users loaded on each
> machine.  With this problem I am not able to setup a MX record so I use the
> "artificial routing" scheme of qmail to get some things accomplished that I need
> done.
> Here is what I am trying to achieve now.
> I have qmail on a server with the U of W IMAP server.  With our client which we
> are testing I am able to send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and the message is
> accepted by qmail with no problem.
> However, if I send to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] the message never arrives.  I get a bounced message from
> qmail stating the following
>     Hi. This is the qmail-send program at hostname.psomedomain.com.
>     I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
>     addresses.
>     This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
>     Sorry, I couldn't find any host named pain.teamp.com. (#5.1.2)

I don't know where pain.teamp.com comes in, but your nameservers are
broken -- that makes it difficult to recieve mail.

gregw@frodo:~$ dnsq mx somedomain.com a.gtld-servers.net
15 somedomain.com:
108 bytes, 1+0+2+2 records, response, noerror
query: 15 somedomain.com
authority: somedomain.com 172800 NS ns1.betstop.com
authority: somedomain.com 172800 NS ns2.betstop.com
additional: ns1.betstop.com 172800 A
additional: ns2.betstop.com 172800 A

So, I asked ns1.betstop.com about somedomain.com, and it said:

 gregw@frodo:~$ dnsq soa somedomain.com ns1.betstop.com
 6 somedomain.com:
 timed out

ns2.betstop.com revealed the same result. Fix your nameservers, then
maybe things will work. If not, fix them and post the results.

The results you posted look like a _real_ misconfiguration, based on
whatever your _real_ DNS is. Perhaps posting an unmunged bounce message,
and unmunged output of 'qmail-showctl' would be helpful for the list in
determining what the problem really is.

Note that, in posting what appears to be mangled data, much of the list
has ignored your post. :)

Greg White

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