> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 1:52 PM
> First of all, I'm on the list, and I set Mail-Followup-To:
> appropriately.  Please don't cc: me on your list messages; I hate
> duplicates and get 500-1000 messages a day already.

While learning anything necessarily about linux or qmail from 
you may be dubious, I will definitely learn perfection :)

My humblest apologies that I failed to remove your personal
address. But only a 1000 a day? Really? Damn. Can I swap email
accounts with you? I've got you beat by at least 600. Automated
reports from a half dozen RS6000's plus the 14 UNIXWARE boxes sucking
data from the RS6000's plus email from their associated staffs
plus all the 25 or 30 messages I get from this list plus...
well, like you, I am extremely put upon. How do gods like us 
do it?

> > 7. I put a blank rcpthosts file in the /var/qmail/control directory.
> Bad.  Bad.  Bad.  Go directly to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect
> $200.

And this is bad, bad, bad because why? I don't want any traffic 
coming back to the box. It does not have an MX record for the 
domain and I don't want it to. 

> > 8. I checked the /etc/tcp.smtp file and made sure I had my IP
> >    addresses set in the rules the way I wanted them.
> [...]
> > 10. Tested by sending a message from the allowable IP range 
> - success.
> >     Tested by sending a message from an outside IP range - failure.
> Define "failure" -- no connection, or no relay?

Failure from an outside domain/IP address to relay. 

> > 11. Happiness
> Except that you're either:
>   1)  An open relay, or
>   2)  Not accepting any mail from outside your local network

You got it big guy. I have closed the open relay state - which is
the only state I could run qmail in and get it to relay when I 
started posting to this group seeking the accumulated wisdom of 
the 'umma'. Now, I have accepted the orthodoxy of the priests 
of tcpserver, vanquished the satanic xinetd, and can selective
relay! Hallelujah!!!!

I only want this box to accept internal traffic and relay internal
traffic outbound. 

After 4 or 5 days of vexing frustration, I have accomplished
what someone else set out to do and I had to take over, learned 
Linux by crash course and, quite spectacularly, proved myself a 
fool. All in all, a good week.

I think the problem with the run script may be that I was subbing 
"zero" for "oh" or vice versa in the command line. My telnet 
client and my eyes don't work so well differentiating between the 



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