On 7 Aug 2001, at 10:47, KY Lui wrote:

> oh, i found the problem in the log file (/var/log/qmail)
> it said, "Sorry, I want able to establish an SMTP connection"
> could you pls advice?
> many thanks....
> sorry for soo many questions since i am new in qmail
> regards
> KY

Don't worry about the questions... I did the same thing when I first started 

It's that simple.. Your sever was not able to establish an SMTP connection 
with the destination server. 
Either it's not there. (bad domain name, the server is down, or their net 
connection is down.) If it's the latter two, your sever will try to resend for, (I 
believe this is the case) 7 days. 

The other issue may be your server's net connection may be down. But I 
presume your recieving my messages on this server so that not likely.

If all is well at your end there's really not much you can do but wait. The one 
nice thing about qmail in this case is that unlike Sendmail, which just tries to 
deliver or re-deliver all messages at the same time. qmail keeps track of the 
messages in the queue, each time it fails to deliver it it waits longer to retry. 
This prevents you from eating up your conncurrent connections by 
constantly trying to redeliver the same failed messages.


Dean Staff
Protus IP Solutions
210 - 2379 Holly Lane
Ottawa, ON K1V 7P2 Canada
613-733-0000 ex 546 Fax 613-248-4553
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://www.protus.com

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