Ken Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working on redoing the qmailadmin code to support multiple
> languages. Instead of doing some wierd tricky code, I figured
> we can use the built in language environment variable from
> the web server.

There goes Mr. Jones!! Thank you, man! It'll be really appreciated!

> Does anyone know the name of the environment variable that
> carries the language?

See `man setlocale`
I think you'll choose 'LC_ALL'

> I'm removing all the hard coded english text from qmailadmin
> and putting it in a file. So no "text" is compiled in.


> Then we can do translation of the html templates and this
> one file into different languages.
> So when people connect to qmailadmin, it can automatically
> display it in the proper language based on what the user
> has set as thier language in the browser.
> Ken Jones

Using 'Accept-Language'?

Great work!

Daniel Augusto Fernandes (DAF tm)               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     Se você não encontra
                     o sentido das coisas
                     é porque este não
                     se encontra, se cria.
                                   Antoine Saint-Exupéry

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