
There is a new qmailadmin devel release version 0.39
available off http://www.inter7.com/qmailadmin/

It has support for the Accept-Language parameter 
passed by the web browser.

Which means people can write translations ;]

Currently there is only one translation: en or English

The html goes into a different location when installed:

If you want to write a translation here are some quick steps

1) cd html
2) mkdir "your language" - you must use the language abbreviation
   sent by the browsers

   make sure this directory is readable by all.

3) cp en/* "your language"
4) cd "your language"
5) First, edit html_text
POP_ACC            Pop Accounts
 ^^^^                  ^^^^^
Left side            Right side

Leave the left side alone, and translate the right side

6) Edit all the .html files and translate them
7) make sure all the files are readable by all
8) cd back to the qmailadmin source code
   cd ../../
8) make install-strip
   It will copy your new directory. 
9) Fire up your browser. 

qmailadmin should automatically detect your prefered languages, 
and attempt to open a translation in your preferred order.
If a translation does not exist for your browsers preferred
languages, it will display the english one.

Woo hoo! ;]

BTW: does anyone know if printf supports multibyte languages, like

Ken Jones

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