Thomas Förster wrote:
> Hi there,
> when will qmailadmin be ready to allow users to create a new maildomain?
> I've seen this feature in globaladmin, but it's not working yet.
> We need this feature for our customers and i'm not able to code it myself,
> to few c/c++ expiriences :-(
> Thanks a lot,
>   Thomas

We've got a new project started, and the first version is working
in a production environment. 


It uses the web server authentication and runs setuid root.

And it has several levels of authority. 

the problem it solves is:
1) Supporting system admin's who need to be able to
   create new domains.

2) tech/phone support personel who need to be able to
   look up accounts and change things. Such as passwords,
   quota's, etc, but not be able to add/del domains.

We switched to using .htaccess type authentication so that
an entire help desk can access the system at the same time.

It's still in it's infant stage. If anyone is interested
in contributing some funds to get it fully fleshed out,
we can install it on your system for you.

Ken Jones

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