Ah, it was what I expected.  For the sake of future
list readers the correct apache configuration in this
example is:

  ServerName mail.test.com
  ServerAlias mail.test.com
  ServerAdmin root@localhost
  DocumentRoot /home/webroot/qmailadmin
  ErrorLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/test.com-error
  TransferLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/test.com-xfer
  ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/
  <Directory "/home/webroot/qmailadmin/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


--- Jonas Valkiunas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've installed all requirements which seem to be
> working fine.  After installing qmailadmin,  the
> resulting page simply displays non-ASCII garbage.
> Scanning previous posts, including a ScriptAlias
> will
> actually pull up the first page, but upon login the
> usual junk appears.
> Since the webserver runs as nobody, I can
> successfully
> execute the qmailadmin script as nobody from a shell
> and html is sucessfully generated.  Copying this
> html
> output into another file in the same cgi-bin
> directory
> correctly shows the login page, so I'm guessing I
> might be hitting an apache setup problem?  Here's
> some
> setup info:
> qmail-1.03
> autorespond-2.0.2
> ezmlm-0.53 + ezmlm-idx-0.40
> apache-2.0.43
> qmailadmin-1.0.6
> vpopmail-5.2.1
> kernel-2.4.20
> Red Hat 8.0
> qmailadmin compiled as root with:
> ./configure
> --enable-cgibindir=/home/webroot/qmailadmin/cgi-bin/
> --enable-htmldir=/home/webroot/qmailadmin
> --with-htmllibdir=/home/webroot/qmailadmin
> apache httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost>
>   ServerName mail.test.com
>   ServerAlias mail.test.com
>   ServerAdmin root@localhost
>   DocumentRoot /home/webroot/qmailadmin/html
>   ScriptAlias /qmailadmin \
> /home/webroot/qmailadmin/cgi-bin/qmailadmin
>   ErrorLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/test.com-error
>   TransferLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/test.com-xfer
>   <Directory "/home/webroot/qmailadmin/cgi-bin">
>     AllowOverride All
>     Options ExecCGI
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
>   </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> Can't seem to find a solution in the archives, so
> any
> ideas / pointers / hints appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -Jonas
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