Check in your apache logs which paths and images you are looking for.


At 23/03/03 23/03/03 -0800, OSC Consulting SysAdmin wrote:
Thanks for the help, but that doesn't work either.
I made the owner AND group apache and chmod'ed 600 to no avail.

OSC Consulting
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> On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 01:19, OSC Consulting SysAdmin wrote:
>> I've tried everything I can short of recompiling qmailadmin.  Does
>> anyone have any idea why qmailadmin can't see the images in the proper
>> URL ?? Does anyone know of a workaround that works ?
>> Thanks in advance.
> check the permisions on the images.
> it should be 600, owned by webserver's user, or at least, readable by
> webserver's user

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