Wil Hatfield - HVHM Customer Care wrote:

A couple of questions. Are you installing qmailadmin as root? Are you trying
to access qmailadmin through a virtual domain or the server's main domain

I think for starters you will want to look at your install and figure out
why qmailadmin didn't get installed under /htdocs/images/ Permissions
problem maybe?

I do remember having this problem with qmailadmin and the images. The
problem was we were trying to access it through a virtual domain. Our fix
was that we created an alias in httpd.conf allowing the following:

I am using qmailadmin under a virtual site and it works just fine, images and everything.

My configure line is:

./configure --enable-htmldir=/usr/local/qmailadmin/html \
            --enable-cgibindir=/usr/local/qmailadmin/cgi-bin \

So /usr/local/qmailadmin/html is the root of the virtual site and ScriptAlias points to /usr/local/qmailadmin/cgi-bin. The images reside in /usr/local/qmailadmin/html/images/qmailadmin.

Systems Administrator / Developer

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