> Can you forward me a URL to that SquirrelMail plugin?
Weeeeeelll....not exactly.  We wrote our own plugin (see sanitized
attached).  We did not contribute it to SM plugins, either, since we don't
have the luxury of time to clean it up and make it SM-ish.

> It looks like there are many options for editing SA prefs, so I think
> it would make sense to try to hook qmailadmin into one or more of the
> existing solutions.  Sites that use SquirrelMail or Horde-IMP can use
> those interfaces; others can use the standalone interface from
> <http://webuserprefs.pipegrep.net/>.
Yeah, I looked at another PHP-based interface initially (don't recall what
it was called or where it was), which spurred me to have one of our
developers rip this plugin out instead.  All it does is allows someone to
select from a range of pre-set required_hits values (Severe, High, Medium,
Low, None) and then add whitelist_from and blacklist_from entries for users
or domains.

> We can have a configure option to include a link on the "modify user"
> page to take them to the SA prefs page (and preferably log them in).
Lots of things are possible.  It will become a balancing act between "too
much work" and "being everything to everybody".

> I've created a qmailadmin-devel list on SourceForge where we can have
> detailed discussions about things like this.  It will take 6-24 hours
> before it is added, but I'll let everyone know once it's ready.  I'd
> like to continue this discussion, and perhaps come up with a planning
> document that spells out the goals of SpamAssassin integration into
> QmailAdmin, how we plan to accomplish the goals, who will document the
> installation/configuration process, etc.
Sounds peachy!

Attachment: sofast_spam.tgz
Description: Binary data

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