Pablo Murillo writes:

> One more thing, here I pay around u$s 200.- by month for 1Mbyte with a 
> fixed IP and two phone lines, how much you pay on UK (I'm from Argentine)

Here, out in the sticks, I pay about US$22/month for a crappy 56K
dial-up with a limit of 16 hours/day usage.  I work from home administering
servers with bandwidths many thousands of times what is abailable to me
here. But since they are Linux servers, this is not a problem.  With
Windows servers, using VNC or similar, administering Windows servers
would be so painfully slow as to be impossible.

> There are thousands of solutions to your "problem", please read more,
> don't accuse others per your lack of genius

Did I ever claim (here) to be a genius?  I don't think so.  But I know
I can beat most people in finding things through Google.  After two
hours, I concluded that it is hard to find answers about the problem
I had.  Two hours in which I could not find a way of doing what Exchange
does out of the box. Does that sound like an economic solution to you?
Yeah, if I could amortize it over hundreds of clients it would be
economic, but right now it applies to ONE client of HUNDREDS.

Given what we charge our customers for hosting and what we charge for
my time, I figure we have made a loss for this year on this customer.
I exclude the leisure-time posts I have made here in the hope that
qmail and friends might end up being a usable alternative to Exchange,
becuase if I included the time I spend on those posts then it would take
us ten years before we could show an economic profit (but I underwrite
my own pleasurable experiences).

> Don't answer this to the list

You do not control what I write or where I write it.  You may *request*
where I respond but I am under no obligation to honour that request.
What I DO guarantee is that if you mail me off-list I will either
respond off-list or ignore you.  If you post on the list then I reserve
the right to reply on the list until such time as the list moderators
remove me from the list. If you want to criticise me here then you have
NO right to demand that I respond to your critisms only in private.

Another criic of mine has contacted me privately.  And I have responded
to him privately, as I will to any criticism expressed privately.  If
you make the venue public, you have no moral right to demand I express
any disagreement in private.  Make the disagreement private and I will
tell you (if I think it necessary) that any time I admit to being wrong
you can publish that publicly (if I do not do so myself first).  If you
prove me wrong in private, I GUARANTEE your right to make that fact public.

Sorry, I forgot that English is not your native language. Let me simplify
this for you: YOU do not get to dictate what I say or where I say it.

Paul Allen
Softflare Support

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