On Wed, 2003-12-10 at 01:06, Tom Collins wrote:
> While we'reat it, the call to autorespond for vacations will go at the
> END of the.qmail file to avoid as many problems as possible.

the patch that I provided fixes autorespond so it isn't broken, and
shouldn't cause any stupid bounces.  I made it act more like Bruce's
qmail-autoresponder.  You can find the patch on the sourceforge page.

However, I also mentioned there that my patch breaks the "mail robot"
functionality in a way.  I will bring that up here:

autoresponders in use as vacation replies are generally supposed to
allow everything through and reply to only a few things.  That makes
sense, because you don't want to lose any mail, just make it so Jenny in
accounting knows you're at lunch when she emails you that big finance
report.  Surely you don't want that being lost in the mail :)

Auto-respond robots that exist to simply reply to incoming mail should
act differently.  They SHOULD bounce mailing list messages, because they
should try to get removed from them.  They should bounce Precendence:
bulk messages (who ever sends those anymore, eh? :) because that
shouldn't be being sent to an autoresponder anyways.  They SHOULD bounce
the message when someone emails too fast, so they know it's working.

My patch was for the vacation replies, as with the current (stable, if
you must) autoresponder, they were entirely broken.

> We might alsosupport qmail-autorespond as a better replacement.

that sounds good, but that is also 'broken' for the 'mail robot'
functionality.  Also, backwards compatibility isn't there, and having to
install two different autoresponder packages to install qmailadmin would
be kind of daunting for a new user.

Also, and as much as I love bruce and his software, his autoresponder
package is slightly more of a pain to install.  You must install his
bglibs, and if you don't want mysql support, or don't have mysql
installed or anything, you have to edit the Makefile so it'll actually

Just dropping my two cents :)

> If anyone wants to sponsor the fix, I can make it an even
> higherpriority.  :-)

as always ;)

Jeremy Kitchen
Systems Administrator
Kitchen @ #qmail on EFNet - Join the party!
Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
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