First of all, Thank you for the quick response.

I have tried many combinations of configurations.  I set up mime.types with a 
blank extension for application/x-httpd-cgi, I have changed the servers 
DefaultType to be application/x-httpd-cgi instead of text.  Added +ExecCGI to 
the directory, installed to other directories and configured correctly.  but 
to no avail, I still only receive a binary text file of the qmailadmin cgi 
script.  I think it has to be an apache problem.  I have tried script alias, 
setting it's own <Directory> container.  Using the current cgi-bin directory 
and still the same thing happens.  for some reason apache will not serve it 
as a cgi script.  I will keep trying but no luck yet,  /cgi-bin/ .cgi files 
work because I have tested them.  for some reason it just doesn't like me.

slackware 9.1, apache 1.3.29


Adam Ossenford

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