Hi qmailadmin users,

As a long time user of qmailadmin I have to thank everybody behind it for one of my favorite products. The amount of work it has saved me is incalculable :)

Currently using qmailadmin-1.0.24 on top of vpopmail-5.3.20.

I've noticed some things here that don't seem right and am wondering if maybe some bugs got introduced when the NOQUOTA option was added. These two things may be related.

1) I have a user with a quota setting of 5 (megabytes) that has accumulated 28 (megabytes) of mail in his Maildir/new directory.

2) Quotas can be increased but not decreased. In order to decrease a quota it must first be set to NOQUOTA and then increased from there.

I'm pretty certain that #1 is a bug; however, is #2 a bug or a feature?

Thanks for any insight.
Mike Wright

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