Well - I could distinctly disagree with them about this - There are valid reasons to want emails from non list members to be  completely ignored - such as the spam issue that I raised.

I'm guessing this is then  a logic issue with EZMLM. With that - I can look to actually program around it. It's a far bigger benefit to repress spam to the list than it is to allow people to post from non-subscribed addresses. IMO.

On Oct 29, 2006, at 11:33 AM, Tom Collins wrote:

There is no reason to combine of SENDER checks on posts with  message moderation.  Therefore, the combination of the -u switch with the -m switch is used for a configuration with SENDER restrictions (like with -u alone), with the difference  that  posts  from  non-subscribers will be sent for moderation instead of being rejected. This allows the list admin to let non-subscribers post occasionally, as well as to  catch  subscribers  posting  from non-subscriber addresses.

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