On May 13, 2011, at 3:45 PM, Wade Rossmann wrote:
> The server is quite old and has a tenuous grasp on stability, we cannot have 
> the server/service go down so we are hesitant to perform software upgrades. 
> We've got new servers we're moving to that are based on Postfix/Dovecot, but 
> we're trying to 'gently encourage' users to reduce their disk usage 
> beforehand. The trouble is the quota reporting is telling them they are not 
> over quota at all.

I've had good luck with just using a script to do a `du` on each user's 
directory, and send them an email if they're over a certain limit.  You can do 
it daily or weekly, and if it's a big problem you can even cc the user's boss 
to get some action out of them.



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