Hello Rick,

> I randomly had maildirsize file issues (reporting wrong quota), and
> finally just decided to rebuild it regularly during delivery. I have atime 
> off.
> So from procmail I call:
> TIMESTAMPRESULT=`/usr/local/vpopmail/domains/bin/calctimestamp.sh $DOMDIR 
> where calctimestamp.sh =
> #!/bin/sh
> ###!/usr/local/bin/bash
> #Get current timestamp of file, delete and re-create if older than 1 day
> FILE=$1/Maildir/maildirsize
> NOW=`date +%s`
> echo "File is $FILE"
> if [ -f "$FILE" ]
> then
> FILEDATE=`stat -f %m $FILE`
> AGE=`expr $NOW - $FILEDATE`
> else
> AGE=0
> fi
> echo "Now is $NOW"
> echo "Filedate is $FILEDATE"
> echo "Age is $AGE"
> if [ $AGE -gt 86400 ]
> then
>  # Remove file, run vuserinfo to recalculate quota
> rm $FILE
> QUOTA=`/usr/local/vpopmail/bin/vuserinfo -Q $2`
> fi

I have the same problem with my vpopmail. Could you explain me how can
I use this script in my qmail configuration? I' not really understand
where goes delivery process and where I can invoke this script.


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