Shai wrote:

well, I do need some more info... please ;)

from my house, when I telnet to port 25 on the server, i get the
welcome info but when I try from my work's place, I get:
# telnet 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

Why refused? the port IS open and I AM able to telnet from my office.
Is there a log I can check why a connection would be refused? :\
We do not have a firewall to out going connection in my office.
Are you on a different carrier at work that blocks port 25, maybe? It's shooting in the dark, but it doesn't hurt to get all the facts out in the open. Warren may be on to something as well, as far as being blocked. You can send me the IP off-list if you want, and I'll try and telnet in.

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