Hi list,


While trying to migrate users from my old Qmailtoaster server (containing around 10 domains) which was running on Redhat Liinux 9.0, to a new server running Centos 4.3, and the latest Qmail Toaster packages, I have run into some problems as described below:


I used Jake’s backup script to take the backup from my old server, on which the UID:GID of vpopmail was 7797:7797. Then I did a manual install of QMT on my new server which was successful. Then I transferred the ‘curlfile’ containing the backup of the old server to the new server’s root directory. Then from the home directory of my user account, as ‘root’ user, I executed the restore script (again from Jake’s site). I must mention here that in Jake’s restore script, I had enabled the line that converted the old aliases to the new format.


I must also mention here that the mysql root password in my old server and the new server are not same. I guess there is no harm as such!? Likewise, initially, the vpopmail database passwords, in both my servers were also dissimilar, but later on I changed that in my new server to the same password as in the old one.


When the restoration was complete, I logged on to VQADMIN and I could see all the domains and the users within, with their respective password (in plain text) were being displayed correctly. However, when I tried using QMAILADMIN, I was not able to login to any of the domains using any of the accounts – either user account or the postmaster account. It just displayed “Invalid Login” even after I successfully changed the passwords from the terminal (using the executables in ‘/home/vpopmail/bin’).


I was also unable to log in to any of the e-mail accounts using POP3 (mail clients) or IMAP (Webmail). The error I received while trying to login to webmail was:

ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.


The ‘/var/log/qmail/imap4/current’ log showed:


2006-04-28 15:01:38.022432500 tcpserver: status: 1/40

2006-04-28 15:01:38.022644500 tcpserver: pid 6567 from

2006-04-28 15:01:38.022670500 tcpserver: ok 6567 mail2.jdvu.ac.in: :

2006-04-28 15:01:38.023586500 DEBUG: Connection, ip=[]

2006-04-28 15:01:38.037758500 chdir "/home/vpopmail/domains/systems.jdvu.ac.in/supriyo": Permission denied

2006-04-28 15:01:38.038321500 tcpserver: end 6567 status 256

2006-04-28 15:01:38.038323500 tcpserver: status: 0/40


Doing a ‘ls –al’ in ‘/home/vpopmail/domains/systems.jdvu.ac.in’ directory shows the following:


      drwx------   7 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 Apr 28 13:20 .

drwx------  40 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 Apr 28 14:22 ..

      drwx------   3 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 Apr 25 17:44 postmaster

      drwx------   3 vpopmail vchkpw 4096 Apr 25 17:43 supriyo


It may be of interest that when I added a new domain and new user to my new QMT server, I was able to use/access both QMAILADMIN and webmail for the new domain/user without any problem.


I will be looking forward to your help in resolving these issues. Thanking you in anticipation….


Supriyo Banerjee

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