> Awww man, I just installed all this stuff on Monday!
> Has qmail-toaster been updated so that it "Provides sendmail-command" ?
> This is needed for Mandrake 2006 since mail readers now require
> "sendmail-command".
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] SPECS]# rpm -q --requires mutt
> sendmail-command
> Thanks,
> Nigel
> On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 09:42:20AM -0500, Nick Hemmesch wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I placed updated packages up for download today. All of the changes I
>> wanted in qmail are not included yet, domainkeys and remote-auth. I am
>> working on both of those features. I found that eMPF is still in beta,
>> for
>> good reason.
>> Vpopmail is now current. You may have to reinstall courier-imap since it
>> builds against the vpopmail library files.
>> Qmailmrtg has a Working Dir variable so it now works with all distros.
>> Qmail has numerous fixes and a new patch, listed below. As soon as I
>> have
>> a stable version with qmail-remote-auth and domainkeys, I will get it to
>> you.
>> I had many requests for features. Many of them are not included because,
>> with the number of patches we use, maintaining a stable platform becomes
>> extremely difficult.
>> As always, keep a good backup when updating a production server.
>> Regards,
>> Nick
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> qmailtoaster-1.2.1.patch          April 28, 2006
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> qmail-1.03 patched to netqmail-1.05
>> -----------------------------------
>> qmail-local patch
>> local IP patch
>> sendmail -f patch
>> Frederik Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - TLS
>> http://inoa.net/qmail-tls/netqmail-1.05-tls--20060104.patch
>> Erwin Hoffmann - smtp-auth-0.5.7
>> http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/
>> Antonio Nati - chkuser-2.0.8
>> http://www.interazioni.it/opensource/chkuser/
>> Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] - qmail-spf.rc5
>> http://www.saout.de/misc/spf/
>> Erwin Hoffmann - warlord-1.3.11
>> http://www.fehcom.de/qmail/
>> Bill Shupp - netqmail-maildir++.patch
>> http://shupp.org/patches/netqmail-maildir++.patch
>> Bill Shupp - custom-smtp-reject
>> http://www.shupp.org/patches/custom.patch
>> Christopher K. Davis - oversize-dns
>> http://www.ckdhr.com/ckd/qmail-103.patch
>> Jul - mfcheck Ver. 4
>> http://js.hu/package/qmail/index.html
>> Jul - reread-concurrency Ver. 2
>> http://js.hu/package/qmail/index.html
>> Johannes Erdfelt - big-concurrency
>> http://qmail.org/big-concurrency.patch
>> Dale Woolridge, James Law, Moto Kawasaki - spam-throttle-2.02
>> http://spamthrottle.qmail.ca/
>> Inter7 - qmailtap-1.1
>> http://www.inter7.com/qmailtap/qmail-tap.diff
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> Regards
> Nigel
> --
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> "I reject your reality and substitute it with my own" --Adam Savage.
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>      QmailToaster hosted by: VR Hosted <http://www.vr.org>
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