Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> Jake Vickers wrote:
>> Yi-Lei Wu wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> After I installed thsoe spam rules I started not getting some emails
>>> from valid clients, is there a way or script to uninstall those spam
>>> rules installed by Qmailtoaster-Plus? Or to remove Qmailtoaster-Plus
>>> completely?
>> Which ruleset did you install? Removing the package won't restore your
>> blacklists either way. It did however create a backup of your old
>> blacklists file, renamed to include the date. this is located in the
>> same directory as your other blacklists file.
> In addition, there is a qtp-menu item for setting rbls to the default
> (original) blacklist settings.
> I don't know about rules-du-jour. Perhaps qtp should have a backup/restore
> capability for spamassassin rules. What would people like?
I meant to add that you might try uninstalling spamassassin-tosater (with
nodeps) and reinstalling it. I don't know if that would clear rdj or not though.

-Eric 'shubes'

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