Jake Vickers wrote:
> NoZy wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Need to know 2 things 1st one  I have all ways had
>> SquirrelMail and filtering does someone know of a better way to message
>> filter then using SquirrelMail "message filtering". Why ? will it can
>> take
>> up to 3 mins for me to log on after all the 20 message filters to be done
>> and if I have to go back to the in box bang 3 more mins.
>> Next 1 is spam filters, I have updated my qmail to the new ones out and
>> now am getting a very hi system load from "spamd child" on both
>> servers as
>> you can see on Fig 1 and Fig 2 this is now getting that high that webmail
>> can get hard to use at times and she does miss over 70% of the spam and
>> now not sure what to do about this,
>> Fig 1
>> top - 22:13:37 up 90 days, 44 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.48, 0.70,
>> 0.77
>> Tasks: 131 total,   3 running, 127 sleeping,   1 stopped,   0 zombie
>> Cpu(s): 50.2% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 49.8% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi, 
>> 0.0% si
>> Mem:   1025424k total,  1010464k used,    14960k free,     6016k buffers
>> Swap:  2104432k total,   926304k used,  1178128k free,    42056k cached
>> 14195 vpopmail  25   0  506m 379m 2488 R  100 37.9  12:37.87 spamd child
>> Fig 2
>> top - 22:28:20 up  2:17,  2 users,  load average: 1.79, 1.87, 1.33
>> Tasks: 138 total,   2 running, 136 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
>> Cpu(s): 49.8% us,  1.5% sy,  0.0% ni,  0.0% id, 48.3% wa,  0.0% hi, 
>> 0.5% si
>> Mem:   1025424k total,  1010604k used,    14820k free,     9628k buffers
>> Swap:  2104496k total,   830572k used,  1273924k free,   147788k cached
>>  3582 vpopmail  25   0  506m 388m 2196 R   99 38.8  32:10.79 spamd child
> I can't help you with the Squirrelmail filters since I've never used them.

Me too.

> What do you mean by updated to the new ones out?  The newest
> spamassassin-toaster, or did you download the newest source code and
> compile it yourself? Do you mean you added additional rules form
> somewhere, and if so, which ones? Thanks.

Also, is your SA log showing any errors?

Has your SA bayes db journal ever sync'd?
# sudo -u vpopmail -H spamassassin -D bayes --lint

Has auto-expire ever completed?
# sa-learn -u vpopmail --force-expire

-Eric 'shubes'

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