Install Qmail Toaster Plus and try newmodel upgrade, it's one of the BEST!

On 2007.02.18, at 20:04, Eric Shubes wrote:

The wiki is the best source of documentation and such.


Robert S Galloway wrote:
Howdy everyone.

First, thanks to all of the developers for keeping this project going!
I've been keeping my  toaster somewhat up to date, but one thing that
has been holding me back on some of these package updates is a lack of updates on the upgrade instructions (and scripts). I know there is one
upgrade script on the QT home page, but there is also one on Jake's
page. Which if any should I use to make sure that my toaster stays up to
date with the current stable packages.



Erik A. Espinoza wrote:

The following packages (qmail-toaster, ucspi-tcp-toaster,
clamav-toaster, courier-authlib-toaster) have been moved from the
devel site to the main site.

All but ucspi-tcp-toaster are security upgrades. Feel free to upgrade
as necessary.


-Eric 'shubes'

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