On 2/26/07, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> I'm no expert with this, but I would think that the following rule
> have assigned a negative value:
> * 4.2 AWL AWL: From: address is in the auto white-list
> In spamassassin-toaster-3.1.7-1.3.6, I see the rule for AWL in
> /usr/share/spamassassin/60_awl.cf, but I don't see any scoring in the
> 50_scores.cf file.

AWL just tries to keep messages it's seen before at the same score the
last message was at.
If I send you a message and it gets a score of 3, the next time I send
you a message and it only scores a 1.4, AWL will add .8 to it, trying to
get it back to the 3 score. I thin it does half of the remainder.... It
just tries to average to lessen any spikes it sees in messages from
people that it's seen before.
Slamp, you may want to try dumping your current AWL list and start
teaching it again.

I realized what had happened why it was thinking it was spam from AWL. I
sent an SURBL test just before sending a plane message. So the average still
thought it was spam even though the last message was not (this is a flaw i
think). I wanted to dump it but I didn't know the proper way of doing that.
I didn't know if I should be able to just delete the file and restart spamd.

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