On 3/21/07, Jake Vickers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
dnk wrote:
> So in my steps getting used to the "toaster", I have run into the
> following and was looking for clarification:
> 1) When I add a new domain to my toaster, is this to be done VIA the
> CLI as opposed to the web interface? I tried via the web interface,
> but when logging in with the postmaster account to manage the new
> domain, I had certian menu items missing, and could not add users,
> etc. When adding VIA the command line, all seems to work as it should.
> I just wanted to be sure if this the norm, or if my toaster has a
> glitch.
Correct. The web interface has been broken for a while, but it's still
there to do some general things like seeing all domains, password, etc.
easily. Creating domains with it will cause sporadic issues.
It's normal - okay, not normal, but known about.
When you create the new domain via vqadmin, did you change the default
values of "accounts", "forwards" ... and such? If you leave it in "0",
then that's the problem.
You have to specify the estimated number of accounts, lists and such
so you can create them via qmailadmin.


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