Understood, It's very clear to me
I'll ask my consultant, my manager and my fellow co-worker about this.

Once again thanks

> Your scores may work for you, especially if you're only running 1 domain
> or for a specific genre of company (or for personal). All of my servers
> are running multiple companies that are involved with various projects.
> Even my personal mail server that serves 6-7 domains for personal use
> gets emails from people that are legitimate that score in the 4-8 range.
> In my opinion it's better to add more rules to get the spam scores
> higher, rather than lower your scores to delete them sooner. In my
> experience, which is not authoritative, if you set the score at the
> values you have set you will lose 20% or more of your emails. That may
> be okay for you, but it's not for anyone I do business with. Granted
> most of that 20% will be forwarded jokes and what not, but it's still
> important to the secretary, and she will complain until she gets her
> way. I'm too busy to listen to that type of crap.

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