when I ran the RPM it created the database for me again.. and the user was still there. in mysql.. so I don't think that was the problem.. but I'm not sure.. I'll try what you have here..

Minnesota Webworks

Jake Vickers wrote:
John Carlson wrote:
OK so I was looking around last night at my server.. using webmin and I was updating some sites.

I wanted to remove a table for an old site in the vpopmail database.... well when I deleted the table it actually deleted the whole vpopmail database. NO BACKUP... it is a fairly new install... anyway.. so I did some looking and I seen that the easiest way to get the vpopmail database back was to just re-install vpopmail.. so I removed vpopmail and then re-installed it.. I had to create the vpopmail:vchkpw user and group.. and everything seems to be in order.. but now I can't connect to the pop server.. or use squirrelmail.. so does anyone have any ideas how I can fix it without having to re-install the whole qmailtoaster system..
mysqladmin create vpopmail -uroot -p
mysqladmin -uroot -p reload
mysqladmin -uroot -p refresh

echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vpopmail.* TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] IDENTIFIED BY 'SsEeCcRrEeTt'" | mysql -uroot -p
mysqladmin -uroot -p reload
mysqladmin -uroot -p refresh

Then reinstall vpopmail. You dropped the whole database, and the vpopmail RPM doesn't create it - that was covered in the installation script.

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