I have a qmail toaster system that was set up with software mirroring. I
mirrored the /boot and / partitions, and striped the swap across the 2
drives. During our latest unplanned power outage (yes I have "put off"
moving the system back to our cabinet), the primary slave drive decided
to die.

Now, the entire system refuses to boot, returning a "error loading
operating system" message. I have tried simply pulling the dead slave
drive and attempting to boot, but get the same message. Isn't this what
mirroring is supposed to protect against? I assume the power outage
caused the failing drive to corrupt something that was then synced to
the good drive during the final milliseconds before power went out, but
I've got to tell you, this latest foray into RAID failure is really
causing me to not trust RAID....

Okay, enough of the rant. Have any of you ever dealt with this message
before? I assume it is some sort of MBR corruption that needs to be
fixed and then the system with automagically boot up and run just fine?

Another alternative I am considering is building a new QMT, putting this
drive in, mounting /home from the crashed system (for email accounts and
data) and copying over /var/qmail/control and such? Of course, the
beauty of all of this is that I am at Disneyland with my family and
trying to walk my technicians (who work mainly on Windows) through doing

Thanks for any pointers.

Aaron Spurlock

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