Guillermo Villasana Cardoza wrote:
I actually made a full upgrade, but I did test what Nick stated and the error seemed that it went away. Still where is the wiki, just in case the problem returns.
qmt wiki is on:

Also I have noticed that if you erase the files newmodel-list* in /usr/src/qtp-upgrade/SRPMS/

and the run qtp-newmodel and select only the pkg that is needed for dependencies, it will compile it, then return anderase again the files newmodel-list, select everything and you will not have the dependencies error anymore and can continue the compilation (no need to rebuild all the sandbox.

And last ... I am having the following message in one of the upgraded servers: This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated (even though it states it is 0.90.1 elsewhere in the log and feshclam says:

and in freshclam log I get:
Downloading daily-4264.cdiff [100%] updated (version: 4264, sigs: 19437, f-level: 21, builder: ccordes)
WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Current functionality level = 14, recommended = 21

and in the other server i get:

WARNING: Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED!
WARNING: Local version: 0.90.1 Recommended version: 0.91.2
DON'T PANIC! Read is up to date (version: 44, sigs: 133163, f-level: 20, builder: sven) is up to date (version: 4264, sigs: 19437, f-level: 21, builder: ccordes)
goto to get latest clamav version, it wasn't moved to main qmailtoaster website
to update your clamav only no need to run qtp-newmodel
1. just build the rpm,
2. stop qmail service (and please make sure all qmail process, most of the time qmail-send still running)
3. then install clamav rpm
4. build the cdb file (qmailctl cdb)
5. then start qmail service

I dont find hard time upgrading clamav, if step #2 is done correctly

Can this cause any kind of problems?
I think there is no problem leaving clamav outdated but still I hate see the log full with WARNING

Thanks again to everyone, and the great job been done for qmailtoaster

Hope this help you
Sorry, I can't answer for your previous questions since I don't know how....

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