Roxanne Sandesara wrote:
Yeah. It was huge. Sorry about that. But I really wasn't sure what to keep and what to clip. :(

My /var/log/maildrop/maildrop.log was ... gigantinormous. I don't feel like doing byte math, but I'm pretty sure it was at least close to 2gb. So, I moved that to .log.old-<date> and created a new file of the same original name, same group, user and permissions, in the original location. On the off chance that was at all contributing.

Now. It's possible I've done something stupid. That's always possible. But there was no localconcurrency file in /var/qmail/control in my installation. I created one, just in case, and put 30 in it.

I did have a concurrencyremote file. So I also created a concurrencylocal, in case that was a misnomer.

I've restarted just the /send service, waiting to see if it will process now.

I've also started DLing a copy of the ISO for QMT-ISO. If this doesn't work, I'm going to go ahead and wipe and rebuild. I really do need to get this mailserver back up and running.

I'll let you all know what happens. And thanks again, Jake, for all of your help, regardless of how this turns out. I appreciate it.

'ls -lh' will show you how big the files are in "h"uman readable numbers.
And no, you didn't do anything stupid there. The file is not there by default, and uses a value of 10 until you create the file and put a different value in it.
And it's no problem. We all try and help out where we can around here.

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