Wow, I'm actually live :). I thought no one could see my messages.

> What specific error are you seeing?  Did you check that apache is
> running as the correct user/group?  Perhaps link to a screenshot;
> speaking for myself, I don't entirely follow your question.

When I go to the squirrelmail web interface, I log in as a user. The INBOX
shows 17 messages but the screens are all blank.

I see this on the side;
Last Refresh:
Thu, 7:06 pm
(Check mail)

- INBOX (17)

I see this on the top;

 Current Folder: INBOX          Sign Out
Compose   Addresses   Folders   Options   Search   Help   Calendar   Notes 

Everything else in the main window is blank, white, nothing else is showing
up. This is a default installation, nothing changed yet other than getting
email running.


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