
> When you click on Inbox, are you not able to see the messages in the
> inbox in the main frame of the page?  I believe when you don't have
> anything open, nothing appears in the "middle" area of the screen.

No, nothing shows up at all for inbox, just a blank screen.
Everything shows up for the other options however;

Compose, Addresses, Folders, Options, Search, Help, Calendar and Notes all
lead to their appropriate pages.

All of these options, INBOX (17), Drafts, Sent, Trash and Spam show nothing
but blank white pages. This means to me a path problem but, where?

Just for the heck of it, I changed a couple of minor settings in the
/etc/squirrelmail/config.php file to see if that might help but nada. Perhaps
I need to add the full path to the /home and subdirectories?

Snippet of the config.php file;

$domain                 = 'localhost';
$imapServerAddress      = 'localhost';
$imapPort               = 143;
$useSendmail            = true;
$smtpServerAddress      = 'localhost';
$smtpPort               = 25;
$sendmail_path          = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$sendmail_args          = '-i -t';
$pop_before_smtp        = false;
$imap_server_type       = 'uw';
$invert_time            = false;
$optional_delimiter     = '/';
$encode_header_key      = '';

$default_folder_prefix          = 'INBOX';
$trash_folder                   = 'Trash';
$sent_folder                    = 'Sent';
$draft_folder                   = 'Drafts';

Should I be changing the paths just above to include the /home/vpopmail or

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