Well, since it's not actually bouncing and just being deferred, that's not too bad at least. It does seem to fail often enough however and I've been ripping my hair out trying to figure out why.

I do have MX, SPF and RDNS records for everything. Yet, I keep getting things like;

To Yahoo,

delivery 239: deferral: Connected_to_209.191.118.103_but_greeting_failed./Remote_host_said:_

delivery 244: deferral: Connected_to_216.39.53.3_but_greeting_failed./Remote_host_said:_

Do you have a PTR (reverse) DNS record set up?
To get mails to Yahoo you'll have to fill out their form. If your server has been around a long time, you'll be in their list. Otherwise you'll be greylisted by them and have to fill out that form. Hotmail will block you if you do not have a valid PTR record like AOL does if I remember correctly. When you contact Yahoo, also let them know they are sending a link that no longer exists in their defer messages - that can get annoying fast.

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