Sam Clippinger ha scritto:
OK, I should be able to duplicate that setup to see if I can reproduce your error. It may be a little while before I have the time, however.

In the meantime, can you try enabling TLS support in spamdyke to see if this error persists? Inside spamdyke, TLS passthrough is handled differently than TLS decoding. If this is a spamdyke bug, you may be able to work around it. Enabling TLS support will also allow all of spamdyke's filters to function, including graylisting.

To enable TLS, you'll need to compile spamdyke with TLS support and use the "tls-certificate-file" directive in the configuration file. Your TLS certificate is probably located at:

-- Sam Clippinger
I can confirm this bug, i've have the exact problems with a qmail patched with jms combined patch that sends mail to a qmailtoaster with spamdyke enabled without tls. By enabling tls in spamdyke the problem went down, but it's not the correct way of work, cause the source mta don't do any tls handshake.

Have fun,

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