I wish. ;)

I'm still running clamav-toaster-0.92.1-1.3.17 with no apparent problem.
TTMOMK, 0.9x versions previous to this one were problematic.

The current version on the web site is clamav-toaster-0.93-1.3.18. Has
anyone had any success or problems with this version? I'd like to hear some
feedback from any/every one running this version.

Igor Vukotic' wrote:
> Hi Pablo,
> I recognised log message "*qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
> temporarily rejected message*"
> That exactly happened to my server when i restart qtp services and when
> i look at "top" you will probably see clamav process consume huge CPU usage.
> Good thing is if you leave server (1-2-minute) it will work normally and
> i suggest to use submission ports for clients, not 25
> My server has 160Gb mails on HDD (i use IMAP for clients) and its
> running on 2xXeon 2GHz, 4Gb ram and it took 1-2 minute to clam finish
> the first job.
> Bad thing is when your clamav will be updated, it will "die" on 1-2
> minute again.
> Maybe Eric has some trick for us, but clamav consume very much CPU-u,
> and better HW is shorter time :)
> On 2008.05.02, at 03:47, Pablo Zavalia wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply Eric, that was quick!
>> Smtp logs this:
>> @40000000481a6504112f8364 tcpserver: pid 7772 from <MY-DESKTOP-IP>
>> @40000000481a6504112f8b34 tcpserver: ok 7772
>> qmailserver.example.com:<server-ip>:25 :<MY-DESKTOP-IP>::25380
>> @40000000481a650420c9c6a4 tcpserver: status: 11/100
>> @40000000481a650421d03e0c CHKUSER relaying rcpt: from
>> <desktop:unknown:desktop-ip> rcpt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : client
>> allowed to relay
>> @40000000481a650503bfb974 qmail-smtpd: qq soft reject (mail server
>> temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)):
>> @40000000481a650503e1dfa4 tcpserver: end 7772 status 0
>> Nothing comes up in spamd log. I wonder why.
>> Moreover I tried to run the simscan binary and i got this:
>> $ /var/qmail/bin/simscan
>> Segmentation fault
>> I'm puzzled...
>> Pablo
>> Eric Shubert escribió:
>>> What are the corresponding smtp and spamd log messages when the message is
>>> rejected?
>>> Pablo Zavalia wrote:
>>>> I've upgraded my clam clamav-toaster-0.92-1.3.16 which was working fine
>>>> for the new released version clamav-toaster-0.93-1.3.18. Installation
>>>> went ok, the package manager reported that it was installed fine.
>>>> The thing es that mail is not being accepted, here's is an example of an
>>>> smtp transaction:
>>>> <-  220 qmailserver.example.com - SMTP Server ESMTP
>>>> -> EHLO sender.example.com
>>>> <-  250-hostname.example.com - SMTP Server
>>>> <-  250-STARTTLS
>>>> <-  250-PIPELINING
>>>> <-  250-8BITMIME
>>>> <-  250-SIZE 20971520
>>>> -> AUTH CRAM-MD5
>>>> <-  334 ( CRAM MD5 auth )
>>>> -> (more auth)
>>>> <-  235 ok, go ahead (#2.0.0)
>>>> <-  250 ok
>>>> <-  250 ok
>>>> -> DATA
>>>> <-  354 go ahead
>>>> -> Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 20:47:10 -0400
>>>> -> Subject: test Thu, 01 May 2008 20:47:10 -0400
>>>> ->
>>>> -> This is a test mailing
>>>> ->
>>>> -> .
>>>> <** 451 mail server temporarily rejected message (#4.3.0)
>>>> -> QUIT
>>>> <-  221 qmailserver.example.com - SMTP Server
>>>> This stopped working after the upgrade, my tcp.smtp is:
>>>> 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",RBLSMTPD="",NOP0FCHECK="1"
>>>> :allow,BADMIMETYPE="",RBLSMTPD="",SENDER_NOCHECK="1",BADLOADERTYPE="M",CHKUSER_RCPTLIMIT="50",CHKUSER_WRONGRCPTLIMIT="10",QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/simscan",DKSIGN="/var/qmail/control/domainkeys/%/private",NOP0FCHECK="1"
>>>> When I remove the QMAILQUEUE=".." part and do a qmailctl cdb, the mail
>>>> starts being accepted. The only problem is that AV and Spam are not
>>>> being processed.
>>>> I am running a regular qmail-toaster with Fedora Core 6 arch i686
>>>> The server is now working, but with no scanning, i'd appreciate any
>>>> suggestions that you may have to fix this.
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Pablo Zavalia
>>>> Ariel escribió:
>>>>> steps taken
>>>>> 1 - qmailctl stop
>>>>> 2 - rpmbuild package clamv*****
>>>>> 3 - rpm -e clamav-toaster-0.92.1-1.3.17 --nodeps
>>>>> 4 - rpm -i clamav-toaster-0.93-1.3.18.i386.rpm
>>>>> works OK

-Eric 'shubes'

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