>>  Did you miss the message I posted last night? Here's what I wrote:
> Some messages seem to be going missing. This email is actually on the problem 
> server. 
> I also replied to this one earlier.
>>  # yum -y install perl-HTML-Parser
>>  # yum -y install perl-Mail-SPF perl-IP-Country perl-Mail-DKIM
> These are all installed now.
>>  .) run qtp-newmodel, and be sure to use a fresh sandbox
> I updated the full os and am now running newmodel. It seems to be working but 
> it's taking an awfully long time. I'll let it run and see how things go. It 
> seems to be complaining about not having perl-Net-SMTP so is it possible that 
> perl-Net-SMTP-Multipart.
>>  This should work fine for you as long as you haven't updated CPAN. Refer to
>>  earlier list posts regarding MakeMaker for details about that.
> I've not done anything else so will reboot and see how things go.
> Here's where it's at as I type this;
> Getting source packages ...(this may take a while)
> squirrelmail-toaster-1.4.13-1.3.9.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
> spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
> clamav-toaster-0.92.1-1.3.17.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
> djbdns-1.05-1.0.5.src.rpm is already downloaded, bypassed
> Shall we build a new sandbox at /mnt/qtp-sandbox? y/[n]: y
> Removing sandbox at /mnt/qtp-sandbox ...
> qtp-umount-sandbox v0.3
> qtp-umount-sandbox: sandbox not mounted
> Would you like a unioned sandbox (quicker, smaller) [y]/n: y
> Using union filesystem ...
> qtp-mount-sandbox v0.3
> --Working unionfs115 found.  Installing module
> qtp-mount-sandbox: sandbox mounted successfully
> qtp-newmodel - installing  perl-Net-SMTP ...
> Setting up Install Process
> Setting up repositories
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> Parsing package install arguments
> No Match for argument: perl-Net-SMTP
> Nothing to do
> Starting to build the binary rpms ...(pizza anyone?)
> If you want to view compile messages, you can open another terminal and:
> # tail -f /mnt/qtp-sandbox/usr/src/qtp-upgrade/log/build-recent.log
> qtp-build-rpms v0.3
> qtp-remove-pkgs v0.3.1
> REMOVED clamav-toaster from sandbox (not for real)
> Building squirrelmail-toaster-1.4.13-1.3.9 ...
> Installing squirrelmail-toaster-1.4.13-1.3.9 in the sandbox ...
> Building spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13 ...
> Installing spamassassin-toaster-3.2.4-1.3.13 in the sandbox ...
> Building clamav-toaster-0.92.1-1.3.17 ...

This looks ok so far. clamav takes a while to compile. You'll see progress
if you tail the build-recent.log file.

I notice that your clamav-toaster package isn't the latest. You'll probably
want to upgrade that once this upgrade cycle is done. Simply run
qtp-newmodel again and it should find the latest version.

-Eric 'shubes'

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